Studio Rucksack

Slim Laptop-Rucksack, bis 14,1-Zoll/MacBook Pro 15
Manchmal ist weniger einfach mehr. Der Studio ist schlank, klein und eignet sich mit seinem klassischen Stil perfekt für Pendler, die einen Laptop und wichtige Utensilien transportieren möchten.
Model EKP118
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Studio Rucksack

Falls Sie nach einem kompakten, professionellen Laptop-Rucksack suchen, ist der EVERKI Studio genau das richtige Modell für Sie. Dank seinem schlanken Profil, dem klassischen Stil und minimalistischem Erscheinungsbild ist er nur 11,4 cm tief. Das kompakte Design und der fachkundig gestaltete Innenraum bieten Platz für alles, was Sie im Arbeitsalltag oder auf einer Kurzreise benötigen. Ab sofort sind alle Ihre Utensilien ordentlich verstaut und sortiert. Die Außenseite des Rucksacks besteht aus hochwertigen Materialien, die ihn robust genug für den Alltag machen. Aufgrund seiner Größe und seines diskreten Profils ist er die richtige Wahl für die tägliche Fahrt mit dem Taxi oder Zug. Der Studio – klein, aber raffiniert.

Studio Rucksack

EVERKIs intuitives Design

Das clevere Design des leichten Studio Laptop-Rucksacks wurde speziell für mobile Manager und pendelnde Berufstätige entwickelt. Der kompakte Rucksack bietet Platz für wichtige Utensilien, wie einen Laptop bis 14,1 Zoll oder ein MacBook Pro 15, sowie ein iPad oder Tablet. Mit dem Studio behalten Sie immer den Überblick, da sich alle Funktionen angenau der richtigen Stelle befinden – außerdem gibt es einige kleineÜberraschungen, zum Beispiel das Fach im breiten, ergonomischen Schultergurt und das versteckte Geheimfach in der Trolley-Lasche. Zwei Taschen auf Hüfthöhe stellen sicher, dass die Wasserflaschen immer griffbereit sind. Außerdem finden Sie Taschen und Fächer für Kugelschreiber, Visitenkarten und Handys. Der Studio – schlicht und organisiert.

Studio Rucksack

Integriertes Laptop-Ecken-Schutz-System

Es ist wichtig, sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Laptop gut geschützt ist. Daher haben wir den Studio zusätzlich mit einer dichten Polsterung in den Laptop-Ecken versehen. Dieses Ecken-Schutz-System wird Ihren Laptop vor Stößen und Erschütterungen schützen – auch dann, wenn Sie Ihre Tasche versehentlich zu schnell absetzen.


Der Trolleygriff kann durch die Lasche an der Rückseite des Studio gesteckt werden, damit Sie Ihren Rucksack problemlos auf Ihrem Rollgepäck schieben können. Außerdem verfügt die Lasche über ein verstecktes Geheimfach für Bargeld, Reisepässe und andere Wertsachen.

Studio Rucksack

Studio Rucksack

Langlebige Reißverschlüsse und Metallzieher

Ist Ihnen jemals der Reißverschluss deiner Lieblingstasche kaputt gegangen? Uns schon. Deshalb nutzen wir für unsere Produkte langlebige Reißverschlüsse und Zieher aus Metall. Somit kann Ihre Lieblingstasche auch Ihre Lieblingstasche bleiben.

Kontrastreiches Innenfutter

Jedes Innenfutter von EVERKI ist in einem stylischen, kontrastreichen Orange gehalten, weil wir wissen wie frustrierend es sein kann, den Reißverschluss eines Fachs versehentlich offen zu lassen und wie schwer es ist, die eigenen Sachen vor einem schwarzen Hintergrund zu organisieren. Smart und stylisch.

Studio Rucksack

Studio Rucksack

Sorgenfrei unterwegs

EVERKI stellt hochwertige Produkte her, denn die Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden ist unser höchstes Gut. Jedes Produkt wird mit unserer 30-jährigen Garantie auf Material- und Herstellungsfehler versehen. EVERKI - sorgenfrei unterwegs.

Weitere Informationen

Model EKP118
EAN 0874933002314
Passend für Gerätegrößen 14,1"
Geeignet für Tablets bis 10" (25,4 cm)
Außenmaße (H x B x T) 40 x 28 x 11,5 cm
Volumen 14 l
Gewicht 0,98 kg
Garantie 30 Jahre Garantie auf Material und Herstellungsfehler
Laptop-Fach (H x B x T) 36,4 cm 25 cm 3,9 cm
Rezensionen chevron-right


I love my bag it's everything I need
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I love my new Slim Studio backpack it is the perfect size for my 14in Lenovo Slim. Has enough pockets for all my accessories I am glad I made the purchase. I was hesitant at first because it is only 14L but it perfect for a slim laptop and it's sexy like I feel the ladies will love my swag while rocking my Studio.
Well organized, excellent structuring, and comfortable. What more criteria does one look for?
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After thoroughly assessing professional backpacks throughout my career, I have ultimately gravitated towards smaller bag options. Considering my transition to utilizing an ultraportable device in recent years, this particular bag meets the stringent criteria that arose after my previous bag had succumbed to wear and tear. Despite contemplating recommendations from acquaintances regarding different bags for an extended period, it was an esteemed IT colleague who piqued my interest with his longstanding loyalty to a larger Everki bag.

Having procured this bag a few weeks ago, I can already assert with confidence that it will likely be my final backpack investment. The strategic placement of pockets aligns with my practical requirements, and the interior design facilitates rapid accessibility to any item I may need. Moreover, the bag exudes a remarkable sense of durability, surpassing any of its predecessors in terms of sturdiness. Its professional aesthetic adds to its appeal, effortlessly complementing my airline travels as well as my motorcycle commute, while simultaneously exceeding the comfort offered even by some of my clothing.

In summary, I cannot emphasize enough the exceptional qualities of this bag. Its superb design, combined with its versatility, resilience, and unparalleled comfort, make it an exceptional choice for any discerning professional.
Well Pleased First Time Buyer
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The Studio Backpack is my first purchase from Everki. I am not disappointed in the least. The descriptions/reviews of both the company Everki and this backpack were 'spot-on'. This backpack if well made. Shoulder straps are padded and comfortable. The handle is secured to the top of the bag. The discreet/hidden pockets (shoulder strap & backside) will be useful. Sufficient amount of pockets inside the backpack. The felt lining is a plus. I like the slim, minimalist shape.

My work involves greeting/accompanying travellers (individuals to groups). My 'office supplies': clipboard / pens / hi-lighters / flight manifests / program details / phone chargers / the like. I can fit a rolled sweater/jacket/pullover inside without any bulging. As of now, I don't intend to use w/ tablet or laptop. This backpack fits my needs completely. I do recommend (especially if an another go-to 'don't carry a lot of stuff' backpack is needed).
Perfect size without loss of great features
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I have a larger EVERKI backpack that I have used and loved for several years. I decided I wanted something similar but smaller so that I wouldn't be able to pack quick as much in it and lightweight my travels. This bag was perfect - still fit everything I needed without over-packing and creating extra weight. My husband wants one now also!
Outstanding small backpack for traveling executive
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I love my Studio backpack. It is a perfect size for my laptop, iPad, chargers and essential stuff I need with me when I travel. My first studio backpack went all over the world with me, and I finally wore it out after years of reliable use (and abuse). I just bought my replacement studio backpack and didn’t look at any other models. This is perfect for my needs.
Great Bag
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Bought this bag 4 years ago. Great bag - even though it is compact, it holds both my Macbook Pro 15 and Macbook Pro 13, mouse, connectors, Sony XM4 headphones, notebook, and odds and ends. Fantastic everyday commute and travel. Lots of thoughtful design features - luggage handle passthrough, couple of hidden pockets, plenty of organizing pockets.
Must have for Microsoft Surface Pro
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Absolutely perfect for anyone using a Microsoft Surface Pro. Perfect size and weight. It does an amazing job spreading out your gear so that it is spread out, balanced and secure
Best packpack
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Best backpack I've had, bought another exact same one after my sister "stole" mine.
Great bag, recommended. And some ideas on how it could be improved
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I brought this bag after looking at a dozen others that friends recommended, I picked the Everki Studio based on what I could tell online of the features, build quality and price. I like bags I can trust to last (like Macpac) and this does not disappoint. I do recommend this bag to anyone.
It perfectly fits a MacBook Pro 16" in the main sleave and a 13" HP EliteBook x360 in the tablet slot; even through the website only says smaller laptops.
By the way I found your website really helpful in deciding which bag to buy, it gave me confidence and clear detail. Enough confidence that I could order online without sighting it first.

These are the things I would love to see in a future model,
1. Side sleeves
The "waist-level pockets" on the side are handy, but it would be good if just one of the pockets were changed to have a closed top to keep a water bottle from falling out. The other pocket should remain as it is e.g. for an umbrella. Something like the water bottle holder on the Osprey Arcane.

2. Shoulder strap pockets
I love the zip pocket in the shoulder strap, could you have one in each shoulder strap? And could one be a zip and the other be an elastic or mesh pocket that you slip things like earphones into.

3. Store shoulder strap away
It would be good to have clips, carabiner, or similar that allow you to quickly unhook the shoulder straps and store them behind the trolley handle pass through. So that they don't get caught when checking it on a plane as luggage etc..

4. Pen holder
It would be useful to have something in the laptop sleeves to hold a pen e.g. an Apple pencil or similar stylus.

5. One more mesh pocket
The front main storage area there is a mesh pocket opposite the pens etc. It would be great to have a similar pocket in the rear main storage area (where the laptop sleeves are) above the two vertical open pockets


Didn't work for me
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The features and quality are fine, but there is a massive design flaw that ruined this bag for me. I place the backpack on the floor near my desk, leaning next to the side of the desk. No matter if it's empty or full, it always falls forward to the ground unless you lean it at a 45 degree angle. When I contacted Customer Service they said this is not a defect. I finally got tired of having to have the bag sitting with the straps facing out, and decided to find something that works better.

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