Lunar Laptoptasche

Laptoptasche, bis 18,4-Zoll
Lunar überzeugt durch ihr unaufdringliches Design und praktische Aufteilung. So ist Ihr Notebook plus Zubehör immer bestens geschützt und gleichzeitig professionell organisiert. Dabei haben Sie alles immer schnell griffbereit - ohne lange Suche.
Model EKB417BK18
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Lunar Laptoptasche

EVERKIs raffinierte Laptoptasche für Ihren großen Laptop

Wenn Sie einen großen Laptop mitnehmen möchten, aber den klassischen, professionellen Look einer Aktentasche bevorzugen, ist Lunar das richtige Model für Sie. Die Laptoptasche Lunar von EVERKI interpretiert einen alten Klassiker neu und ist eine tolle Lösung für die tägliche Fahrt ins Büro oder kurze Geschäftsreisen. Lunar unterstreicht Ihren professionellen Business-Look mit stylishen schwarzen Lederakzenten auf schwarzem Grund, ballistischem Nylon, einem weichen Körper und unserem kontrastfarbenen Futter, das es Ihnen ermöglicht, Gegenstände schnell zu finden. In der schlanken Lunar Laptoptasche finden sogar die größten Laptops – bis zu 18,4-Zoll – Platz, ohne sie zu groß, sperrig oder schwer zu machen.

Lunar Laptoptasche

Das intuitive Design von EVERKI

In der Lunar-Laptoptasche findet alles übersichtlich geordnet seinen Platz. Das eigene Laptopfach wurde mit stoßfestem Schaumstoff gepolstert und mit unserem orangefarbenen Filz gefüttert, um Ihr Gerät optimal zu schützen. Außerdem gibt es ein getrenntes Zubehörfach mit Taschen und Schlitzen für Visitenkarten, Stifte, Adapter und andere Accessoires. Das magnetische Fach an der Vorderseite der Tasche ermöglicht schnellen, direkten Zugriff auf Akten, Papiere und Dokumente, und die Tasche mit Klettverschluss an der Rückseite ermöglicht es Ihnen, private Dinge diskret zu verstauen und sie gleichzeitig schnell zu erreichen.

Lunar Laptoptasche

Eigenes Laptopfach

Das eigene Laptopfach der Lunar Laptoptasche ist groß genug für die sperrigsten 18,4-Zoll Laptops. Es wurde mit Filz gefüttert und mit stoßdämpfendem Schaumstoff gepolstert, um Ihren Laptop vor Stößen, Stürzen und Kratzern zu schützen.

Ergonomischer und beidseitig anpassbarer Schultergurt

Lunar verfügt über ein konturiertes Schultergurtsystem, das das Gewicht ergonomisch verteilt und die Muskelbelastung reduziert. Beidseitig anpassbare Schnallen ermöglichen es Ihnen, den extrabreiten Gurt schnell in der gewünschten Länge einzustellen. Das große, rutschfeste Schulterpolster passt sich genau an Ihre Schulter an. Das ist cleveres Design.

Lunar Laptoptasche

Lunar Laptoptasche

Hochwertige Lederakzente und Ledergriffe

Auf Geschäftsreisen oder bei geschäftlichen Terminen sorgen die hochwertigen schwarzen Ledergriffe und Lederakzente auf schwarzem Grund für einen subtilen, aber raffinierten, Touch. Wir designten die Lunar-Tasche als perfekten Begleiter in Sitzungsräumen oder Executive Lounges. Modern, subtil, elegant.


Wenn Sie mit viel Gepäck reisen, ist jede Unterstützung willkommen. Die Schnellzugriff-Tasche an der Rückseite der Lunar-Tasche lässt sich schnell öffnen und wird im Handumdrehen zur Trolley-Lasche. Stecken Sie die Lunar-Tasche einfach auf den Teleskopgriff Ihres Koffers und schieben Sie sie bequem durch den Flughafen.

Lunar Laptoptasche

Peace of mind

Sorgenfrei unterwegs

EVERKI stellt hochwertige Produkte her, denn die Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden ist unser höchstes Gut. Jedes Produkt wird mit unserer 30-jährigen Garantie auf Material- und Herstellungsfehler versehen. EVERKI - sorgenfrei unterwegs.

Weitere Informationen

Model EKB417BK18
EAN 0874933002048
Passend für Gerätegrößen 18,4"
Außenmaße (H x B x T) 35 x 47,5 x 9 cm
Volumen 19 l
Gewicht 1,28 kg
Garantie 30 Jahre Garantie auf Material und Herstellungsfehler
Laptop-Fach (H x B x T) 44 cm 32,5 cm 5 cm
Rezensionen chevron-right


Very impressed with the Lunar Briefcase. Suits all my needs.
Bewertung von
Exceptional Quality. Very strong stitching and impressed with amount of space within the briefcase making it easily able to carry heavy large 18 inch gaming machine and accessories. Love the look.
I have a massive Alienware 18, with the 330W Power...
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I have a massive Alienware 18, with the 330W Power brick, which with everything else weighs more than 8 Kg.

It has been 5 years since I got my Lunar, They fixed the handle problem, and 5 years and 15 countries later, no problem whatsoever. This is the best buy I have ever made, highly recommended if you are looking for a long term solution to your heavy travelling tech life.
I've had one of these bags for about three years a...
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I've had one of these bags for about three years and had absolutely no issues with it at all, in fact I would say that looking at most of the bags we get for our customer use laptops, the Everki brand is just head and shoulders above any that I have seen or used.

I use this bag daily and it has never let me down, that was until I noticed the handle stitching just started to fail on me.

Remembering the Lifetime warranty I contacted customer support regarding this via the Everki website.

Possibly within hours of my submission I received a nice email from Paul in the support team advising me what I should do.

As I could not follow the instructions at that very moment there was even a pause whilst a holiday for me was involved, once I was back the bag was swapped in the most amenable manner I have ever had with a customer support team.

New bag is up and running, it even made me clear out some of my old stuff I no longer used.

I would just like to thank the customer support staff for their handling of the swap, and if any one every asked I wouldn't hesitate in recommending any Everki bag, even though I have only used the Lunar.


York UK
I have used this bag for the last 5 years, been wi...
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I have used this bag for the last 5 years, been with me in all my travels throughout the world. I used the bag carrying my G73SW laptop, the fit is perfect, then since last year I change to a G751JY laptop.

Aside from a small tear from the wear on the side of my bag, bag still looks good . Definitely a recommended buy.
I had trouble finding a suitable laptop bag for my...
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I had trouble finding a suitable laptop bag for my rather bulky MSI GT72S (17.3"). This fits the bill brilliantly. Even though Im not a big fan of sleeve type laptop compartments, this seems to work just fine! Lots of other compartments and pockets to carry other needed stuff including a nice power brick zip in. One of the best standard type laptops bags I've had to date! Feels sturdy enough for work prolonged work trips as well!
I struggled to find a bag for my Asus G750JS and w...
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I struggled to find a bag for my Asus G750JS and was delighted when I came across this bag. I received it yesterday and am extremely pleased with the overall quality and design. Even after packing all of my accessories, it is hardly bulky and the felt lining is great for the laptop.

While I did find the web site quite easy to use for ordering online, I did experience a negative aspect with the service delivery of the product which had the unfortunate consequence of marring the overall purchasing experience. I live in Australia and Everki uses Couriers Please which I DO NOT recommend. The courier failed to meet their service level agreement after the goods had been loaded for delivery and were sitting on the truck for 3.5 days with a driver who only services one area. I won't go into much detail here, but I was also alarmed when I discovered a products review site for this company with ~680 customer reviews, all with horror stories and an overall rating of 1.4 out of 5 stars! That is not a good record for a business.

I purchase many products online and am accustomed to receiving deliveries from couriers, however this was the most appalling service delivery I have ever experienced. I would hope that Everki considers using another courier service in Australia for their customers. Even Australia Post would be far more reliable, trustworthy and efficient.
had about 14 months , great bag just the right siz...
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had about 14 months , great bag just the right size, interior and exterior are holding up quite well. very easy to organize well. price is ok.
I just received this bag yesterday and I have to s...
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I just received this bag yesterday and I have to say, it's an awesome bag! The material and quality of the bag is top-notch and fits all my needs. I have an Asus G73SW and it fits perfectly! I highly recommend this bag to anyone!
I got this bag for my Asus G73 laptop. The first t...
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I got this bag for my Asus G73 laptop. The first time putting the G73 in was just a little snug but the fit is better after a few times. I LOVE THIS BAG!! It is not easy finding a bag that will fit these monsters. This one not only fits the laptop but everything else I need for it with room to spare. The padded compartment for my Galasy Tab is a real plus as is the pouch for my adapter and cable. There are enough pockets for external hard drives, mouse, multi-outlet surge protector, cable lock... You name it and there's probably a pocket for it. It has a height-adjustable chest strap that keeps the shoulder straps where you want them while fitting all size people. It is very comfortable when fully loaded and that's saying something when the laptop alone weighs 7.5 pounds. This bag is well made with a lot of thought put into traveling with your technology. Very sturdy construction and the rain shroud will keep your things dry and clean in bad weather. I believe this bag is well worth the money to protect your items. I mean, common, you spend a chunk of change on your laptop and accessories and then risk damage with a lesser bag? That's just not a good idea to me.
Wow I'm the second to review this product! That's ...
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Wow I'm the second to review this product! That's probably because I found it before it was even out because I liked the look of it so much and got one sent to me as soon as they were able, and suffice it to say I'm not disappointed!
I use my Alienware laptop for gaming but I also do a lot of business with it and take it around to different appointments, so whatever I carry it in has to look sharp and professional and this bag has both of those in spades. Because my laptop is an Alienware, it is gigantic and heavy so I needed a bag that could hold the weight and be big enough and this is one of the only bags that fit 18.4" laptops that looked very professional, is of great quality, and didn't cost an arm and a leg. In addition it has lots of internal pockets for pens and everything I need to bring with me to appointments.
I give this bag 5 stars, but I also give the company 5 stars. They were very quick and friendly with returning emails when I was interested in the bag before it was released and they Fedexed me the bag as soon as it was available and even followed up with me to make sure I liked it. Great bag, great company!

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